April 2 update and promo code

Hey all you cool bats and bears, it’s Maria here…

We can’t wait to get the Boyden season going, to see some familiar faces and meet new ones, and have a regular great day at the cave. Unfortunately, along with everyone else, we just can’t predict when that is going to happen. The US Forest Service have just announced closures of “developed recreation sites” through April 30th. Our season wasn’t even set to begin until April 24th, but this does at least confirm that we won’t be opening on time. We can’t predict how long the closures will last, but I can say that as soon as we are cleared to start the season, we will be ready!!

We’ve had a few friends and guests reach out to ask about purchasing tickets or gift cards in advance as a way to show us support during this time. We are small business owners in our second season of doing what we love, and this is such a kind offer. You can purchase tickets or gift cards by clicking the “Book Now” button at the top of the page. We will honor any online advanced ticket purchase through the end of the 2021 season, so you can feel secure knowing that a purchase to support us now will be valid when you are able to use it!!

As a thank you to anyone purchasing tickets or gift cards in the month of April, use code SEEYOUSOON to receive 10% off your purchase.

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy, and we will hope to see you in the cave!

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