Hello Boyden Cavern Friends and Guests!!
I wanted to provide you with detailed information about construction near Boyden in the 2020 season.
CalTrans (our state highway department) is completing repair work on the bridge that is located right at the Boyden Cavern parking lot.
View of the bridge from the Boyden path
There is single lane control for approximately ½ mile surrounding the bridge. Traffic direction is controlled by stop lights and delays are expected to be minimal. As our parking lot entrance is located in the middle of the single lane control, there is a light directing traffic exiting our parking lot. Guests visiting are able to enter our parking lot from either direction! Exiting will be easy with the light system.
Guests with oversize vehicles (RVs, trucks + trailers, expedition rigs) have previously been able to park in turnouts (paved or gravel areas near the road for pulling over and parking) used as overflow parking near Boyden. However, construction vehicles and supplies are currently in those turnouts and parking for large vehicles is limited. We have space for 1-2 large vehicles in the far end of the parking lot near the restrooms.
If you have questions about construction, parking, or your oversize vehicle, please email me at info@boydencavern.com