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Wildfires and Closure on Hwy 180 in Yokuts Valley

Hwy 180 is currently closed between Cove Road and Dunlap Road in Yokuts Valley area.

Google maps is correctly showing this closure and the closure on HWY 245. It is incorrectly showing a closure near the Hume Lake turnoff. If you are traveling from Fresno or the surrounding area, you will not be able to travel to the HWY 180 entrance at Big Stump. If you are still trying to get into the parks today, I would suggest taking HWY 198. This will add significant driving time to get to Boyden Cavern, so any reservations that need to be cancelled or rescheduled can do so without any penalty.

Please disregard any detour that directs you to take Sand Creek Road. This road is not able to handle the increase in traffic due to the closure, and it is needed for supplies and evacuations for residents in the area.

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